Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dang it!

Keeping up with this blog has been harder than I thought!  I often tell Ricki I sit down and write long e-mails in my head, they just never make it to the light of day.  That’s what has happened here somewhat.


Enough belly aching though, it’s Sunday underway.  We try to stick to holiday routine on Sunday, it allows everyone to get a little rest, relax and let their hair down, it also allows me time to catch up on e-mail and blogs.


Right now we are in the Caribbean driving around doing a fantail cookout (technically a flight deck cookout).  This evening will be burgers and dogs under the oppressive late summer sun.  Hurricane(?) Gustav is to the north and another tropical storm is behind that but the sky is clear and the weather is hot here in the tropics.


I was on the bridge wing last night and it was a brilliantly clear, moonless night.  You could see the span of the Milky Way across the sky.  I’ve told more than one person, that’s one good reason to be in the Navy, you’ll never see that ashore…


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