Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Just finished the 20 week preview of our 13 ounce baby boy! He is
doing well and a bit of a show off, jumping around, waving at the

Everything looks good and mother and baby are fine!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gotta have it!

Diving that is. I really need to go diving soon. If I can get it
together, I will go diving off North Carolina in a couple of weeks.
I'm looking forward to diving the Graveyard of the Atlantic again with
Discovery Diving.

Monday, July 6, 2009


they really aren't so bad when the boss rolls them into a holiday
weekend. Our Independence Day celebration was a success! How about

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

Or Happy 4th of July however you like to celebrate it!

This is the last 4th of July for just Kris and I, next year Baby will
be here to enjoy the festivities!

That great American tradition of the cookout will be celebrated here
today. Chicken, corn, potato salad and snacks followed by ice cream
or fruit salad. Yum!

Have a fun and safe holiday!