Sunday, July 27, 2008

New fangled toys part deux

Don't worry, you didn't miss part one. It just didn't post...

Thanks to a dead, dead battery on my old cell phone and Verizon Wireless's outstanding customer service, I have a new toy!

I got a new-fangled touch screen phone (an LG Dare for those that follow these sorts of things) and so far, I really like it. The phone does web browsing and I got an unlimited Internet account with it just to make sure I don't go over my minutes. So far I really like it.

Having this new toy has inspired me to re-visit blogging. Before I always thought of things to blog about when I was sitting around somewhere without a computer. I tried writing the posts on my Palm but they wound up sitting there and never getting posted. Now I'll try this though and see how it goes.

This is the second time I tried this because although I could write it, I couldn't post it from my phone. I'll keep trying!

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